FUT Hair Transplant Turkey / Antalya

At Hair Med, we rely on more advanced and gentler techniques than the outdated FUT hair transplant method in Turkey. We currently offer state-of-the-art procedures such as the FUE method and DHI technique or Sapphire-FUE hair transplantation, which enable more effective results and faster recovery.


FUT hair transplant Turkey

FUT hair transplantation, developed by Dr. Bernstein in 1955, was a turning point in the treatment of hair loss. Through his influential article “Follicular Transplantation”, this method, which harvests hair follicles in strips from the back of the head resistant to hair loss, was established globally. This technique utilized an area not usually affected by hair loss and was a groundbreaking advance that laid the foundation for modern hair restoration methods. It has made it possible to significantly improve hair density and quality and has paved the way for the development of other, gentler techniques.

FUT hair transplant Turkey: Outdated method

At Hair Med in Antalya, Turkey, we have moved away from the outdated FUT hair transplant method in favor of more advanced and less invasive techniques. Our offerings include the FUE method, DHI technique and Sapphire FUE hair transplantation. These modern procedures not only ensure more effective results, but also a faster recovery. Through the use of precise instruments and the latest technologies, we strive to provide our patients with improved hair density and a natural appearance with minimal discomfort.

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FUT Hair Transplant Turkey Antalya

FUT Method Turkey: Procedure

FUT hair transplantation involved the following steps, but is no longer performed at Hair Med in favor of more advanced methods:

  1. Consulting and planning: Determination of donor and recipient areas.

  2. Preparation: Shaving and local anesthesia of the donor area.

  3. Removal of the hair strip: Surgical removal of a strip of skin with hair follicles.

  4. Closure of the donor site: Stitching of the donor site, leaving a linear scar.

  5. Follicle preparation: Microscopic division of the strip into follicular units.

  6. Preparation of the recipient area: Making incisions or channels for the grafts.

  7. Insertion of the follicles: Transplantation of the follicular units into the recipient area.

  8. Aftercare: cleaning and bandaging, instructions for home care.

Due to the development of more effective, scar-free procedures such as the FUE method and DHI technique, Hair Med no longer offers FUT hair transplantation in Turkey. These modern techniques allow for better aesthetic results and faster recovery.

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FUT method Turkey Procedure

FUT Hair Transplant Turkey: Disadvantages

The disadvantages of FUT hair transplantation include:

  • Linear scarring: A permanent, linear scar is created in the donor area.
  • Longer recovery time: Healing of the donor site can take longer and may be more painful compared to scarless methods.
  • Limited hairstyle options: The scar may limit the wearing options of very short haircuts.
  • Potential damage to donor hair: There is a risk that a greater number of hair follicles may be damaged during the procedure.
  • Less flexibility in extraction: The method is limited to a specific area at the back of the head for extraction, which reduces flexibility compared to other methods.

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FUT hair transplantation: Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked questions about FUT hair transplantation. We aim to provide you with clear information. This includes details on recovery time, scarring, number of transplantable follicles per session. We would also like to inform you about the permanence and naturalness of the results, as well as the differences to other hair transplantation methods, such as Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant.

Why FUT Hair Transplantation Is Falling Out of Favor: The Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method, once a leading solution for combating hair loss, is increasingly being replaced by newer, less invasive techniques. This shift reflects advancements in hair restoration technology and aligns with evolving patient preferences for procedures that offer quicker recovery and minimal scarring.

Evolving Patient Preferences

Over time, patient expectations for hair transplant procedures have significantly changed. There’s a growing demand for minimally invasive techniques that allow for shorter recovery periods and more discreet results. The FUT method, known for leaving a linear scar in the donor area, no longer meets these modern requirements.

Advancements in Hair Transplant Technology

The development of techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) provides alternatives that leave no linear scars and allow for more precise placement of hair follicles. These methods minimize the risk of complications and enable a quicker return to daily activities.

Increased Efficiency and Flexibility

Modern procedures like FUE offer greater flexibility in the selection of donor hairs, as individual follicles can be extracted without a large incision. This enhances the efficiency of the procedure and expands the possibilities for patients with limited donor hair or those seeking fine adjustments to their hairline.

More Natural Results

The precision of newer techniques results in outcomes that look more natural, an aspect that can be challenging to achieve with the FUT method due to its nature of hair removal and placement. The ability to individually extract and place hair follicles leads to a more aesthetically pleasing and inconspicuous final appearance.


The move away from FUT hair transplantation towards newer methods reflects progress and improvements in the hair restoration industry. Patients today are looking for safe, effective, and as inconspicuous as possible solutions for hair loss, and technology has evolved to meet these needs. While the FUT method remains an option, its popularity is waning as FUE method and other techniques offer superior alternatives. These advancements ensure patients can achieve their desired outcomes with minimal discomfort and downtime, marking a significant step forward in hair restoration options.

Recommended Methods Over FUT for Hair Restoration

In the evolving landscape of hair restoration, techniques have progressively advanced to better meet patient needs. While Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) was once considered the gold standard, newer technologies such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), and Sapphire FUE offer more effective solutions with significant advantages.

FUE Hair Transplantation: Minimally Invasive and Scar-Free

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a highly valued method that involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor area without the need for a linear incision. This technique minimizes the risk of visible scarring and allows for quicker recovery times. FUE is particularly suited for patients who prefer shorter hairstyles or seek a less invasive option.

DHI Technique: Precision and Naturalness

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) employs specialized pens (Choi Pens) to extract and implant hair follicles individually into bald areas. This method enhances control over the depth, direction, and angle of the implanted hairs, resulting in a very natural appearance. DHI is ideal for patients prioritizing aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation: Next-Level Precision

The Sapphire FUE method uses sapphire tips instead of traditional steel blades to create channels for hair follicle implantation. The use of sapphire reduces skin trauma, minimizes infection risk, and promotes quicker healing. This technique is perfect for patients desiring denser hair transplantation with minimal discomfort and rapid recovery.

Conclusion: An Era of Advanced Hair Restoration

The shift from FUT to FUE, DHI, and Sapphire FUE reflects the demand for more effective, safer, and aesthetically appealing hair restoration solutions. These modern methods not only offer a scar-free experience and shorter recovery times but also enable achieving a natural and dense hair appearance. With these advanced procedures, it’s possible to better meet individual needs and desires, boosting patients’ confidence through improved aesthetic results.